Dr. Alexander M. Petersen Home Teaching Research Selected Publications

Xi Liu, Afshin A. Divani, and Alexander Petersen (2022+). Truncated Estimation in Functional Generalized Linear Regression Models, to appear in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis .

Javier Zapata, Sang-Yun Oh, and Alexander Petersen (2022+). Partial separability and functional graphical models for multivariate Gaussian processes, to appear in Biometrika

Alexander Petersen, Chao Zhang, and Piotr Kokoszka (2022). Modeling probability density functions as data objects, Econometrics and Statistics 21, 159--178.

Marcos Matabuena, Alexander Petersen, Juan C. Vidal, and Francisco Gude (2021). Glucodensities: a new representation of glucose profiles using distributional data analysis, Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30(6), 1445-1464.

Alexander Petersen, Xi Liu, and Afshin A. Divani (2021). Wasserstein F-tests and confidence bands for the Fréchet regression of density response curves, Annals of Statistics 49(1), 590--611.

Pedro Cisneros, Alexander Petersen, and Sang-Yun Oh (2020). Distributionally robust formulation and model selection for the graphical lasso, Proceedings of the Twenty Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics in PMLR 108:756-765.

Alexander Petersen and Hans-Georg Müller (2019). Wasserstein covariance for multiple random densities, Biometrika 106(2), 339--351.

Alexander Petersen, Sean Deoni, and Hans-Georg Müller (2019). Fréchet estimation of time-varying covariance matrices from sparse data, with application to the regional co-evolution of myelination in the developing brain, The Annals of Applied Statistics 13(1), 393--419.

Alexander Petersen and Hans-Georg Müller (2019). Fréchet regression for random objects with Euclidean predictors, Annals of Statistics 47(2), 691--719.

Alexander Petersen, Jianyang Zhao, Owen Carmichael, and Hans-Georg Müller (2016). Quantifying individual brain connectivity with functional principal component analysis for networks, Brain Connectivity 6, 540--547.

Alexander Petersen and Hans-Georg Müller (2016). Fréchet integration and adaptive metric selection for interpretable covariances of multivariate functional data, Biometrika 103, 103--120.

Alexander Petersen and Hans-Georg Müller (2016). Functional data analysis for density functions by transformation to a Hilbert space, Annals of Statistics 44(1), 183--218.